Abad Faciolince, Fuguet, Valencia and Volpi: Redefinition of spanish American non-fiction prose


  • Wilfrido H. Corral Sacramento State University, Sacramento, Estados Unidos.


Abad Faciolince, Fuguet, Valencia, Volpi, non-fiction prose/culture, new spanish american narrative


Unlimited in terms of publishing media and the migration of forms, a major shift has occurred in the reception of non-fiction by authors associated with the new "new" Spanish American narrative. Parallel changes are taking place generically, coinciding with paradigm transformations in humanistic disciplines. If previous authors affected changes in "essays," recent ones modify the cultural status of interrelated writings through journalism, academic periodicals, criticism, interviews and blogs, among others. Analyzing representative works by Abad Faciolince, Fuguet, Valencia, and Volpi, this article examines (with Aira, Bolaño, and Agamben in mind) how that prose and culture are being redefined.


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Author Biography

Wilfrido H. Corral, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, Estados Unidos.

Profesor de literatura y cultura hispanoamericanas, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, Estados Unidos. Correo: corralwh@csus.edu



How to Cite

H. Corral, W. (2015). Abad Faciolince, Fuguet, Valencia and Volpi: Redefinition of spanish American non-fiction prose. Atenea, (511), 33-62. Retrieved from https://revistas.udec.cl/index.php/atenea/article/view/95


