Disputes regarding research in Chile: Political itinerary of the Arts and Humanities Researchers Association (2016- 2019)





Research policies, arts research, humanities research, Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation


In the past years there has been an increasing dissatisfaction among Chilean academic investigators in regards to the situation of research in the humanities and arts. The aim of this article is to give an account of the political and theoretical itinerary of the Arts and Humanities Researchers Association, a nonprofit organization that has had formal existence since 2017. Our active participation, as an Association, in the discussion of the law that created the current Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, resulted, not only, in arts and humanities being explicitly included in the law, but it also pushed the debate regarding the need to reflect on the role that these research areas play in the discussion of the society we want for the future.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Gainza, Universidad Diego Portales

Ph.D. Hispanic Languages and Literatures. Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. Directora Asociación de Investigadores en Artes y Humanidades.

Matías Ayala Munita, Universidad Finis Terrae

Ph.D. Romance Studies. Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile. Director Asociación de Investigadores en Artes y Humanidades.



How to Cite

Gainza, C., & Ayala Munita, M. (2020). Disputes regarding research in Chile: Political itinerary of the Arts and Humanities Researchers Association (2016- 2019). Atenea, (522), 207-223. https://doi.org/10.29393/At522-104DTCG20104



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