Archiving technologies, privatization dispositives and an-archivist practices of knowledge. On the university mutations of the twenty first century




University, Archive, Registration Technologies, Knowledge, Archontic Power


This article looks into some of the transformations that affect the contemporary university, underlining their close relationship with the emergence of digital archiving technologies. It is postulated that the process of massification and globalization of the university is inseparable from the development of new knowledge registration technologies. Moreover, contrary to the celebratory discourses of digital networks, we seek to highlight the role of such technologies in the configuration of devices for knowledge privatization, which subdue research and academic production to a new regime of capitalist data accumulation. We also set forth the forms of resistance against the new archontic power that manages knowledge records using archival technologies subversively. Thus, it is concluded that the struggle for the university must also be understood as a struggle for the collectivization of knowledge registration technologies.


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Author Biography

Andrés Maximiliano Tello, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Doctor en Filosofía. Académico del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile.



How to Cite

Tello, A. M. (2020). Archiving technologies, privatization dispositives and an-archivist practices of knowledge. On the university mutations of the twenty first century. Atenea, (522), 101-117.



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