Pablo Neruda and the mysteries of nature


  • Pedro Gutiérrez Revuelta Department of Hispanic Studies University of Houston


Americaneity, Saurio Sagrado


In spite of having entered the literary world in those crazy years dominated by the vanguard, Neruda was never a vanguard writer (not surrealist, not ultraist, etc.) nor was he much attracted to those artistic manifiestos in which the vanguard was so prolific. He also did not believe in the poet as a lesser god. Poetry does not reside in the head, it rises from the feet while absorbing mysterious forces of nature (something similar occurred to Lorca); forces that the poet had to transcribe and transform into poetry. In spite of the fact that in those years fashion came from Paris (synecdoch for Europe), Neruda was never Europeanizing or Europeanized. These pages are a research into the fundaments of the literary Neruda whose essence is not based on a cerebral exercise or a clever literary device but rather in the profound density of autochthonous America. The americanidad as Gabriela Mistral.


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Author Biography

Pedro Gutiérrez Revuelta, Department of Hispanic Studies University of Houston

Profesor y Undergraduate Director Department of Hispanic Studies University of Houston, Texas, USA. Doctor en Filosofía y Letras.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Revuelta, P. (2013). Pablo Neruda and the mysteries of nature. Atenea, (507), 25-44. Retrieved from


