Brief history of aquaculture and salmon farming in southern Chile (1856-2000)


  • Néstor Ítalo Carrera Universidad de Aysén


Historia, acuicultura, salmonicultura, procesos territoriales


Three periods distinguish the development and evolution of aquaculture and salmon farming in Chile. Between 1856 and 1920, a period of "private management" began, influenced by incipient international markets and naturists such as Federico Albert. Between 1921 and 1970, the "state management" promoted the settlement of waters through the investigations of the Hunting and Fishing Division. Careers in Marine Biology, Oceanography and Fisheries Engineering are created, and in turn, the government established bodies dedicated to aquaculture research, such as the Institute for Fisheries Development, IFOP. Between 1971 and 2000, the "industrial management" generated the installation of fish farms with new technologies (forms of production) and the emergence of the transnational salmon industry modified the economic and environmental outlook of the territories. Based on the work of Sergio Martínez (2003), a brief history of aquaculture is presented until before the salmon farming crisis occurred in 2007 and 2016.


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Author Biography

Néstor Ítalo Carrera, Universidad de Aysén

Universidad de Aysén. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Coyhaique,  



How to Cite

Carrera, N. Ítalo. (2020). Brief history of aquaculture and salmon farming in southern Chile (1856-2000). Territorios Y Regionalismos, (3), 36-49. Retrieved from


