About the Journal

Territories and Regionalisms Journal (RTR) ISSN 2452-5650 is a peer-reviewed scientific publication published semi-annually by the Regionalist Convergences Program for Applied Studies of the South, CREA SUR, Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, University of Concepción, Chile.

Its focus of interest revolves around the publication of scientific articles, academic communications, viewpoints, essays, interviews, reviews, and bibliographic comments related to territorial issues, the various forms of regionalism and their demands for greater autonomy, decentralization, and the processes of devolution and empowerment for equity, development, and democracy.

Its purpose is to promote critical and evaluative analysis of local management experiences, encourage innovative actions in municipal management issues, metropolitan areas, regions, and various forms of subnational governments and plurinational autonomous spaces. The study of remote and isolated areas is also of interest. In general, it is assumed that territorial reality involves studies of actors, conflicts, identities, demands, and governance.

The immediate geographic area of our purposes includes Chile and Latin America, but this does not preclude receiving and engaging in discussions with experiences and developments from other regions of the world. Given the complexity and breadth of the subject matter, RTR welcomes contributions from various fields such as administration, sociology, law, history, communications, anthropology, geography, ecology, economics, municipal and regional studies, political science, etc., in the form of specific cases and experiences as well as comparative, interregional, and international relationships. 


Manuscript Evaluation

Territories and Regionalisms Journal assesses the relevance and quality of materials to be published through a double-blind peer review system. Upon receipt, each contribution undergoes a two-phase review and evaluation process. In the first phase, the editorial team assesses the suitability and relevance of the submission. In the second phase, the contribution is evaluated by academic peers based on a set of criteria.

The first process typically takes no more than ten days, while the results of the second phase are reported within the following 45 business days. After all validation procedures (corrections, resubmissions), the final decision regarding publication or rejection of proposals rests with the journal's editorial board.

Processing and Publication Costs: RTR does not charge any fees to authors for the submission, processing of articles, or eventual publication. Furthermore, public access to the journal is completely open without any restrictions. The overall costs of the journal are fully covered by the publishing entity.

Processing and Publication Costs:

The RTR journal does not charge any fees to authors for the submission, processing of articles, or their eventual publication. Furthermore, public access to it is completely free without any restrictions of any kind. The general costs of the journal are fully covered by the publishing entity.

Open Access and Copyright

RTR is an open-access journal that immediately makes all of its content available to the public. This publication is carried out with no further limitations other than those established in the Creative Commons license By (which allows any use of the work, including commercial purposes, as well as the creation of derivative works, the distribution of which is also permitted without any restrictions. It requires citing the source of the content and the respective authorship in the credits). Every author who submits material to the journal assumes and endorses this definition, as well as the other details regarding copyright and dissemination outlined here.

RTR adheres to all international declarations (Budapest, Bethesda, and Berlin) in support of open access to texts and data, in order to promote the global movement for open science.

Any individual or entity accepted for publication in RTR grants this journal non-exclusive copyright rights. This assignment applies both to the direct publication carried out by the journal through its own means and with respect to the dissemination management it conducts on platforms and repositories. In addition to this condition, authors are free to use their works with the recommendation that any subsequent use of materials published in RTR should acknowledge this journal as the source of initial publication.

Archive: This journal uses the Zenodo repository to establish a distributed archiving system among collaborating libraries, which allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. See link.

Self-archiving: RTR allows and encourages authors to self-archive their work, whether as preprints or postprints, on any academic, institutional, or personal platform or medium.