Importance of family dentistry in the training of dental surgeons


  • Alex Bustos Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Odontología. Concepción, Chile.


Palabras clave:

family dentistry


Over the last decades, Chile has been undergoing epidemiological, demographic and social changes. Society has had to adapt itself to face these challenges and to generate a new and more effective interrelationship between the community and institutions. This reorganization and reorientation of the different sectors, favoring field and intersectoral work, should open up a space for all actors, forging new closer relationships. In the economics area, there is an increasing competitiveness and interdependence of social sectors, where the greater circulation of goods and the provision of services improve the levels of production and create new expectations reducing the disparities in the quality of life of the populations. In the political context, it is possible to identify the emergence of new regional and local governments and the need to strengthen them by means of regulations that may contribute to the decentralization process and to reduce the concentration of power in order to favor local decision-making. In the philosophical field, paradigms and models used so far to explain and interpret human life are being questioned, changing the way in which people and institutions relate to each other. This relationship would be based on the need to adopt a holistic and integral approach. These new challenges in current health policies demand new forms of construction and interpretation of health realities, including an integral approach based on a biopsychosocial paradigm.


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Cómo citar

Bustos A. Importance of family dentistry in the training of dental surgeons. J Oral Res [Internet]. 9 de julio de 2019 [citado 23 de octubre de 2024];6(10):260-1. Disponible en:


