Hábitos de cepillado dental en personas con y sin trastorno del espectro autismo: Una Revisión.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex and highly heterogeneous disorder, which affects social communication and behavior, with the presence of repetitive and restricted behaviors and interests.1 Many authors agree that oral hygiene in people with ASD is deficient, with a higher oral hygiene index than in people without ASD2-4 mainly due to the multiple sensory alterations, lack of manual dexterity, the consumption of snacks between meals,1,5 the presence of hypotonia of the perioral muscles6 and a negative behavior towards dental care.7
Therefore, the general characteristics of people with ASD could lead to a series of problems in the health and oral hygiene of these patients, so it is necessary for dentists to know the oral hygiene habits that people with ASD may have, especially toothbrushing habits, which can contribute to worsening oral hygiene in these patients, increasing the risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.
This review aims to compare oral brushing habits among people with and without ASD reported in the literature, since brushing is a basic element of great importance for the maintenance of optimal oral hygiene.
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