About the Journal

CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & ANIMAL SCIENCES is an Open Access periodical journal, belonging to the University of Concepción (Chile), which as of 2023 is indexed in Web of Science. Its purpose is to contribute to national and international knowledge in all disciplines of agronomy, agricultural engineering and veterinary medicine. It publishes under the modality of open access.

Chilean Journal of Agricultural & Animal Sciences publishes unpublished articles in English and Spanish, in the following sections: Research, Scientific Notes, Reviews, Concerns and Opinions, Book Reviews.

Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or establish a connection to the articles without the need to request prior authorization from the publisher or authors. This is according to the definition of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Copyright: The reproduction and citation of the articles published in the Chilean Journal of Agricultural & Animal Sciences is authorized, provided that the name of the author(s), year, volume, number and pages are indicated. The opinions expressed in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and origin of the bibliographic citations, photos, tables, graphs, textual citations, are the sole responsibility of the authors. In the case of including material from other sources, you must indicate the authorization of the author. The mention of products or trademarks in the journal does not imply a recommendation by the Universidad de Concepción.

The presentation of the articles is virtual (http://chileanjaas.udec.cl ), as is the entire process of reviewing and publishing them. The author must register when submitting his article, following the steps indicated for the submission of the article.

The journal has no publication cost for authors, therefore, it does not charge APC (Article Processing Charge).