Teaching practices and professional training in Basic Education





Formação de docentes, ensino, aula, docência, educação básica


This paper aims to describe and discuss teaching practices in the context of initial training and in service of teachers through experiences lived during Student Teaching practices, considering the articulation between theory and practice in the scope of Basic Education. Therefore, the study was developed from an ethnographic methodological perspective. Firstly, there was a contextualization of the observed teaching practice and a discussion on literacy and multiliteracies and their reverberations in the educational process and in the production, circulation and reception of discursive genres. Later, expository classes (lectures) were presented as a means of multi-literacy and production, circulation and reception of school discourse genres. The reflections made here point to the understanding that school is a public space for carrying out education and teaching. It’s also a space articulated with the participants who are inside and outside of it. In this context, there are two challenges that pervade public educational policies, which are working conditions and teacher training. Through this study, we found out that teaching practices and expository classes (lectures) are places of enunciation and require broad and multiple views to understand the complexity of the formative processes carried out in the early years of elementary school.


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Como Citar

De Jesus, L. A., & Silva De Oliveira, A. D. (2020). Teaching practices and professional training in Basic Education. Paideia Revista De Educación , (67), 141-167. https://doi.org/10.29393/Pa67-5PDFFX0005



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