Revision of the genus Nastanthus (Calyceraceae)
Calyceraceae, Nastanthus, taxonomyResumo
The nomenclatural revision of 51 names previously published, combined or synonymyzed under the genus Nastanthus (Calyceraceae) is presented. Six species are recognized with correct names and new synonyms established. The nomenclature of Nastanthus ventosus, Nastanthus scapigerus and Nastanthus compactus is updated, giving a total of 45 synonyms. Lectotypes for Boopis caespitosa, Boopis scapigera, Boopis spathulata, Nastanthus laciniatus, Boopis araucana, Calycera ventosa, Nastanthus pinnatifidus and Boopis breviflora are here designated. A map with the geographic distributions, complete species descriptions, corrected illustrations, and a new key to accepted species of Nastanthus, are included.
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