Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Katalalixar National Reserve, Patagonia, Chile


  • Johana Villagra Laboratorio de Ecofisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Campus Luis Rivas del Canto, Rudecindo Ortega 03694, Temuco, Chile.
  • David Alors Microalgal Biotechnology Laboratory, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede-Boker Campus 84990, Israel.
  • Angélica Casanova Katny Laboratorio de Ecofisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Universidad Católica de Temuco, Campus Luis Rivas del Canto, Rudecindo Ortega 03694, Temuco, Chile.


endemism, Katalalixar, lichens


Lichens are recognized as bioindicators of ecosystem processes associated with environmental disturbances. However, its evaluation in the time requires systematic records of biodiversity which are non-existent in the Katalalixar National Reserve. The aim of this study was to catalog the richness and distribution of lichen biota of Katalalixar National Reserve, not only by identifying the species but interpreting them in their ecological and biogeographic context. By random sampling in Nothofagus nitidaPilgerodendron uviferum forests and peat bogs 70 species were identified, belonging to 32 families and 65 genera. A high number of endemism was found, with 34% of the species endemic to Southern South American and the Chilean endemic Pseudocyphellaria guzmanii constitutes a new record for the Aisen Region.


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How to Cite

Villagra, J., Alors, D., & Casanova Katny, A. (2020). Contribution to the knowledge of the lichen biota of Katalalixar National Reserve, Patagonia, Chile. Gayana Botánica, 77(1), 38-47. Retrieved from


