Revision of section Calceolaria (Calceolariaceae) in Chile
Scrophulariaceae, water calceolarias, capachitos, IUCNAbstract
Calceolaria is characterized by its bilabiate generally yellow flowers with the lower lip saccate and two stamens. Section
Calceolaria has near 10 species all herbaceous and hygrophilous with a particular staminal morphology. The thecae are
dimorphic and the connective is elongated in various ways. In Chile, only two species of this section, C. pinnata and C.
tripartita, were known from the different flora publications since the 18th century. Moreover, the use of invalid species
names such as C. scabiosifolia Roem. & Schult. contributed to the misidentification of the material of this section, further
complicating its taxonomy. The aim of the present work is to make the first revision of the species of this section present
in Chile as well as presenting a thorough revision of the literature that makes reference to them. A key for the species
identification is included as well as descriptions, illustrations, comments on their distribution, and their conservation status
in the country according to the IUCN methodology.