Leaf anatomy and chemistry in ornamental Arecaceae species: possible barriers to Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) feeding


  • CARLOS VÁSQUEZ Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Decanato de Agronomía. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Barquisimeto, estado Lara. Venezuela.
  • ZURICH EGURROLA Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Decanato de Agronomía. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Barquisimeto, estado Lara. Venezuela.
  • ROSARIO VALERA Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Postgrado de Agronomía.
  • MARÍA E. SANABRIA Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. Postgrado de Agronomía.
  • YELITZA COLMENÁREZ CABI Brasil. UNESP- Fazenda Experimental Lageado Fundação de Estudos e Pesquisas Agrícolas e Florestais. Rua José Barbosa de Barros, 1780, Botucatu – São Paulo, Brazil


Palms, red palm mite, secondary metabolites, stomata


The red palm mite, Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae), has been reported on 91 host plant species in Neotropical
region. However, potential to feed on these plant species depends on anatomical and chemical characteristics, which can
influence mite development and reproduction. Thus, in this study anatomical features such as cuticle-epidermis width,
mesophyll depth and width, stomatal index and density; and also secondary metabolites (SM) concentration obtained
by thin layer chromatography were evaluated as potential barriers to mite feeding in 11 ornamental important Arecaceae
species Coccothrinax barbadensis (Lodd. ex Mart.) Becc., Cocos nucifera L, Mauritia flexuosa L. f., Roystonea oleracea
(Jacq.) O.F. Cook, Sabal mauritiiformis (Karsten) Griseb. & Wendl, Syagrus amara (Jacq.) Mart., S. coronata (Martius)
Becc., S. romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman, S. sancona H. Karsten, S. schizophylla (Mart.) Glassman and S. stenopetala
Burret. Although differences in cuticle and depth mesophyll were detected, these variables seem not to represent a feeding
barrier for R. indica feeding. Conversely, stomata disposition on leaf surface could make infra-capitulum and stylets easier
to penetrate and feed. More detailed studies on anatomy and chemical composition of Arecaceae and Zingiberales species
should be addressed to determine their effect on red palm mite´s development and reproduction.


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How to Cite

VÁSQUEZ, C. ., EGURROLA, Z. ., VALERA, R., SANABRIA, M. E. ., & COLMENÁREZ, Y. . (2015). Leaf anatomy and chemistry in ornamental Arecaceae species: possible barriers to Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) feeding. Gayana Botánica, 72(2), 296-304. Retrieved from https://revistas.udec.cl/index.php/gayana_botanica/article/view/3948


