The plant diversity of the wetland “Ciénagas del Name” (Maule Region) compared with others wetlands of Central Chile


  • CARLOS RAMÍREZ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • JOSÉ MIGUEL FARIÑA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • DOMINGO CONTRERAS Universidad Católica del Maule
  • ANDRÉS CAMAÑO Gerencia corporativa Medio Ambiente Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, Arauco, Chile
  • CRISTINA SAN MARTÍN Universidad Austral de Chile
  • MARLENE MOLINA Universidad Católica del Maule
  • PAULINA MORAGA Universidad Católica del Maule
  • OSVALDO VIDAL Universidad de Magallanes
  • YÉSSICA PÉREZ Universidad Austral de Chile


Wetlands, flora, conservation, mediterranean climate, Chile


We studied the wetland flora of the “Ciénagas del Name” lagoons (Cauquenes, Maule Region, Chile), based on floristic criteria describing the taxonomic composition, attributes, origin and life forms of the flora. A total of 138 species were recorded, predominantly native. Taxonomically the flora consists of 5 classes, 55 families and 121 genera, representing the greatest diversity of flora recorded for coastal wetlands of central Chile. Phanerophytes, therophytes and hemicryptophytes were found in equivalent proportions, which correspond to the Mediterranean areas. Macrophytes represent only 14.49% of the total flora and the most important were Ceratophyllum chilense submerged aquatic plants and emerged Schoenoplectus californicus emerged swamps plant. The floristic comparison with other salt marsh coastal wetlands confirms its freshwater character, which is uncommon on the coastal region of central Chile. The analysis of the flora confirms the need for conservation measures to protect this important and special aquatic ecosystem and its surrounding areas.


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How to Cite

RAMÍREZ, C., FARIÑA, J. M., CONTRERAS, D., CAMAÑO, A., SAN MARTÍN, C., MOLINA, M., MORAGA, P., VIDAL, O., & PÉREZ, Y. (2014). The plant diversity of the wetland “Ciénagas del Name” (Maule Region) compared with others wetlands of Central Chile. Gayana Botánica, 71(1), 108-119. Retrieved from


