Evaluation of two dietary analysis methods applied in the Black-faced Ibis Theristicus melanopis (Gmelin 1789) and the Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis (Molina 1782)


  • Alberto Gantz
  • Jaime R. Rau
  • Soraya Sade
  • Miguel Yañez


Birds, dietary analysis, fecal analysis, foods, stomach content analysis


Dietary studies contribute to our understanding of bird ecology and are an important source of information for programs promoting the conservation of organisms. We contrasted fecal and stomach content methods of dietary analysis in the Black-faced Ibis and the Southern Lapwing, in order to evaluate the degree of sensitivity in distinguishing consumed prey. Diversity and abundance of prey detected were greater in stomach content samples than in fecal samples in both bird species. The Southern Lapwing did not show association in the number of prey, or a similarity in the taxonomic composition of preys between both methods, suggesting a lack of reliability in the fecal analysis that might lead to misunderstanding the trophic ecology of this bird species. The Black-faced Ibis, show a high association in the number of preys between both methods, and the taxonomic composition and abundance of prey in feces were concordant with that detected in the stomach contents, suggesting that the fecal analysis give reliable results which are coherent between both methods of dietary analysis; this method of analysis is, therefore, recommended, and must be complemented with molecular methods of stomach content analysis, such as the stable isotopes if the scopes of the research is to carry out long term studies.


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How to Cite

Gantz, A. ., Rau , J. R., Sade , S., & Yañez, M. (2016). Evaluation of two dietary analysis methods applied in the Black-faced Ibis Theristicus melanopis (Gmelin 1789) and the Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis (Molina 1782). Gayana, 80(1), 61-66. Retrieved from https://revistas.udec.cl/index.php/gayana/article/view/283



Ciencias de la Tierra, Ecología y Biología Medioambiental