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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The Paideia magazine is a biannual journal published by the University of Concepción dedicated to the dissemination of articles theoretical, experimental and applied in the area of education, in order to disseminate advances in this field and to support the work of professionals who work in this area.

Our topics address the integral development of the individual in accordance with their transcendence, the initial and continuing formation of teachers, the sciences of education, pedagogical knowledge, educational institutions, cognitive processes, didactic resources, educational and vocational counseling, policies and reforms in education, curriculum, theories, applications and scope of knowledge in education towards new educational trends and horizons. Broader approaches to the phenomena of education, such as the historical analysis of the educational processes and philosophical reflection on them are not alien to the spirit of our magazine.

We accept articles from authors in the educational and academic field both in the country and from abroad. We publish the following types of contributions:

  • Research aimed at the diffusion of improvements or findings of research in education based on studies sponsored by institutions and/or on graduate thesis work.
  • Original essays, thoughts or papers for conferences on educational theories, models or applications to assess or reformulate proposals in the field of education and pedagogy.
  • Educational experiences showing results of pedagogical, formative or didactical innovations or improvements.
  • Reviews of books that contribute to the debate and to the development of pedagogy, didactics and subjects of social sciences and other disciplines related to education.

We only accept unpublished, up-to-date articles denoting a theoretical or empirical and relevant contribution which have not been simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.
The ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.

The readers this journal aims at are researchers in education, academic staff, institutions, professionals and students in the various fields of education. Paideia also makes contributions available to teachers, the general public and experts interested in human formation, topics on education, areas of pedagogy, society, culture and work from their own perspectives and approaches in relation to contemporary education.

The authors are requested to conform to the following rules:

1.- All material should be sent by email properly identified using, Photoshop Software (for images, jpg, tif or eps formats), and Word (for text), Excel (for tables or graphics) specifying the version used. Do not use colors other than black and variations in gray.

2.- Languages: Paideia publishes in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

3.- Anonymity: The name of the author (s) must not appear in the text, since the proposals will be sent to two external reviewers, who will evaluate them without knowing the identity of the author. Therefore, the identification of the author(s) is done when registered on the platform. The author(s) information includes the following author(s) details: (full name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and affiliation and also the title of the paper you are submitting for publication).

4.- The articles should be submitted in letter size or A4 format, having 2 cm margins, in font size 12. Two printed copies with numbered pages should also be submitted.
Maximum length is 20 pages, including graphs, tables, bibliographic references and quotations. The articles should contain:

  • 4.1. Title of the article. In Spanish and English. At the end of the article, when applicable, it should be it is the result of a research project, a graduate thesis, a lecture or other instance.
  • 4.2. Name(s) of the author(s). It should be indicated, with asterisk and footer, highest academic degree, specialty, institution to which belongs, city, country and e-mail.
  • 4.3. Abstract and keywords. Not more than 14 lines each.
  • 4.4. Quotations and bibliographical references. Quotations within the text and the references on the final list are to be rendered in accordance with the format of the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.).

a) When the last name of the author is part of the text, only the year of publication is included in parentheses.
Example: Valenzuela (2003) stated that the incidence of…
b) When the last name and the date are not part of the text of the article, both elements are given in parentheses, separated by a comma.
Example: The relationship between working environment and production (Valenzuela, 2003) determines…
c) When both the date and the name are part of a sentence, no parentheses are used.
Example: In 2003 Valenzuela published the results of his …
d) If there is more than one article/study of an author published in the same year, a sequence of letters following the year should be used.
Example: (Valenzuela 2003a, 2003b, etc.).

All the quotations within the article should appear on the reference final list and all of these should be quoted in the text of the article.
The list of references should conform to the following pattern:

a) Books. Last name of the author, comma, initial(s) of first (and middle) name(s), period; year of publication in parentheses, period; title, underlined or in italics, period; place of publication, colon; publishing house.
Example: Valenzuela, S. (2003). Metodología de la investigación. Madrid: Alianza.

b) Journals. Last name of the author, comma; initial(s) of name(s), period; year of publication in parentheses, period; title of the article, name of the journal, underlined or in italics, volume of the journal, when applicable, in parentheses, and the pages on which the article appears, separated by a hyphen.
Example: Valenzuela, S. (2003). Tecnología en el aula. Paideia 38, 35-44.

c) Book chapters. Author’s last name, comma, first initial, period, year of publication in brackets, period, title of the chapter, period. In, Editor(s) First Initial and surname, ed(s.) In brackets, period. Book title in italics, page range of chapter in brackets, period, publication location, colon, publisher name.
Example: Guillén, J. y Ligioiz, M. (2015). Aprender por todos los canales. En A. Forés, J.R. Gamo, J. Guillén, T. Hernández, M. Ligioiz, F. Pardo, F.C. Trinidad (eds.). Neuromitos en educación (pp. 35-48). Barcelona: Plataforma Editorial.

5.- Any contribution non-compliant with the regulations stated by the journal will be sent back immediately to the author for correction. Accordingly, the editorial board of the journal is entitled to make all the necessary modifications to maintain the line of publication.

6.- Article arbitration and selection rules. The articles submitted are subject to consideration by the Editorial Board, which carries out a preliminary selection considering compliance with the requirements for publication given herein. Two or more internal or external readers, who do not take part in the management of the journal, review and assess the articles. The appraisal of these readers informs on the scientific nature of the article, as well as on its relevance to the goals of the journal. This information leads to a decision on the acceptance, modifications or rejection of the article. Should the evaluation of an article be deemed contradictory in relation to its contribution, the members of the Advisory Council will arbitrate the situation. The names of the author(s) remain unknown to the readers who assess the articles; the names of these readers are not of public domain.

7.- Notification to the authors. The authors will be notified on the articles selected and requiring modifications so that they can submit their corrected versions within a specified time limit. Once published, every author will receive an issue of the journal containing their articles. The authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their articles.

8.- Publication rights. The authors shall hand the publication and diffusion rights of their articles over to Paideia, both in hard copies and electronic documents or any other kind of format. In a similar fashion, rights of inclusion in catalogs, libraries, virtual servers or sites shall be handed over to Paideia.

9.- If Paideia Journal stops publishing, all issues published online will remain open-access on the servers of Universidad de Concepción. In addition, all the issues that have been printed will be available in hard copy for consultation at the Library of Universidad de Concepción.

10.- Access and reuse policies. For its electronic format of Paideia employs Creative Commons 4.0 ( open access, which authorizes everyone to copy, distribute and publicly communicate any of the texts published in Paideia as long as it is not for profit, the source is properly cited and the original publication. For its printed format, you must subscribe by writing to:

11.- Our journal will carry out actions to investigate if plagiarism is being committed. Paideia Journal uses URKUND platform to detect it. If bad practices were detected, Paideia would reserve the right to apply the corresponding sanctions.

12.- For transparency purposes, we suggest the authors of the texts include in the authors section the names of all the participants and the roles they played during the research. These could be consultant, edition, data collection, data analysis, validation, supervision, among others.

13.- Declaration of conflicts of interest. Authors, reviewers and editors require a declaration - via email to the journal’s management - of any possible conflict of interest that could cast doubt on public confidence in the processes of reviewing, selecting and publishing Paideia’s works. Conflict of interest is understood as the situation where a link (family, academic rivalry, financial or other) threatens the transparency and impartiality of trials and procedures.

14.- Any lack of ethical misconduct during the research or the editorial process will mean the elimination of the text from our website and its replacement with an explanatory note that the text has gone against the academic norms and our journal’s editorial policy. In the case of printed copies, the explanatory note will be included in the forthcoming issue.

15.- Submittal an article. Contributions must be submitted as follows:

  • Enter
  • Click on Paideia, and on the right “for authors”.
  • Check “about the journal” and “author guidelines” for the journal policies.
  • Register as an author on “registration” to submit your contribution.

16.- Paideia Journal is open to receive comments, discussions and suggestions from authors, co-authors, reviewers, faculty members and from our respected readers. We invite you to send us an email to, indicating the subject along with the title and the issue of the publication, if necessary. This information will be provided to our director, who will take the necessary action as appropriate. These actions are part of a broad spectrum, such as a response to the sender, sending comments to the authors, erratum in further issues and, in unlikely cases, the removal of the article.

17.- If any complaints or doubts regarding already published articles, an email should be sent to indicating the details of the case along with the title of the article and the issue. If necessary, Paideia Journal will contact whoever corresponds.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.